Chapter 2: Obtaining the Artifacts

With the Pyramidion Stones in their possession, the party must now travel to the Archeological Dig Site and prepare a plan to locate and obtain the wand (Particle Wand) and amulet (Cyclotronic Amulet) from the site.

The Dig Site is active during the day and well guarded, so the party may want to scout the location by day and infiltrate at night. The site hosts 1 Archeologist, 2 assistants (Commoners), and 5 to 8 watchmen (a mix of Veterans & Guards). They live and camp directly on site. At night, the edges of the excavation area are each lined with trip wires that trigger poison dart traps.

Five Cyclotronic Amulets can be found in a locked chest in the Archeologist’s tent (southwest tent).

Three Particle Wands can be found within the excavation area, buried in the long-dead grasp of a dragon’s claw.

If the party is caught sneaking or thieving and they return to the Dig Site later, they encounter additional watchmen, and the Particle Wands are now held in a locked chest in one of the watchmen tents (southeast tent).

Once any PC tries to leave the map area of the dig site with an artifact in their possession, three deadly Earth Elementals arise to give chase.


Primary Objectives

  • Travel to the Dig Site
  • (Optional) Subdue/Avoid the Watchmen & Crew
  • Locate the Artifacts
  • Obtain the Artifacts
  • Escape the Dig Site & Flee the Earth Elementals

Potential Strategies to Completion

The smartest move for the party may be to recon the Dig Site during the day using the surrounding woods for cover and stealth, then sneak in at night to quietly recover the artifacts. This may be the easiest route to achieve success, but will require planning and good decisions.

The party may stage an all out assault on the Dig Site, directly attacking the watchmen and forcing the archeology team to comply. Attacking the Dig Site directly is a “Hard” to “Deadly” encounter depending on the party size, level, and number of watchmen.

The party may use stealth at night to stage an assault, using the dark as cover to gain an advantage on the watchmen. Attacking the Dig Site directly, even at night, is a “Hard” to “Deadly” encounter depending on the party size, level, and number of watchmen. However, the party might use the nighttime to gain the upper hand.


  • See the Creature Background details for the Archeologist.
  • The Archaeologist and Veterans will not except bribes, as they are too devoted to their roles, however if any PC uses “Kayla” as collateral during a bribe, threat, etc., the Archaeologist obeys nearly any command the PC gives, as long as it is not violent or destructive in nature. (A letter from “Kayla” can be found in the Archeologist’s tent.)
  • The assistants and Guards might accept a bribe, but will not participate in violence against other watchmen or crew at the site. The party may need to be cunning with their plans for bribery to work in their favor.

About the Dig Site

Travel & Location

The Archaeological Dig Site is located 10 miles north of Greenwood Village, in the wooded hills. It takes roughly 1/2 day to reach the site moving at normal pace.

Greenwood Village is in a semi-remote area. If desired, roll for a random encounter such as a bear, band of goblins, or troll.

The Dig Site is at a higher elevation (and cooler temperature) than Greenwood Village.

Sneaking Around the Dig Site


Stealth check of DC 10 is required by any PC that moves or takes a noise-making action during the day. If they are in the trees, DC 8.


Stealth check of DC 5 is required by every PC that moves at night, or DC 12 if moving within 25 feet of an active watchman on duty. If the party fails 3 times, roll 1d20 on the third failure and consult the Alerted Table to see who notices/wakes up. The alerted NPCs take 3 rounds to wake up and respond. You can keep this roll secret until the alerted creatures become active.

At night, all four edges of the excavation have trip wires that trigger one of four poison dart traps buried in the dirt facing each edge. See the excavation area map location for more details.

“Alerted” Table

d20 Roll Who is Alerted
1 The entire camp is alerted.
2-6 3 watchmen are alerted.
7-14 2 watchmen are alerted.
15-19 1 watchman is alerted.
20 No one is alerted.

Observing the Dig Site

  • One archeologist and two assistants occupy the southwest tent.
  • Two to four watchmen occupy the northeast tent. (See Watchmen Table)
  • Two to four watchmen occupy the southeast tent. (See Watchmen Table)
  • At bedtime (9pm), a watchman arms 4 trip wires and dart traps around each edge of the excavation area. DC 12 Perception check is required to deduce that it is a trap being armed, otherwise the watchman is only seen “fidgeting with something around the edges of the excavation”.
  • If the PCs are found and return to the site later, there are additional watchmen.
  • If any PC detects magic, an aura can be seen coming from the archaeologist’s tent (amulets), the dragon’s claw in the dig site (wands, if the wands are currently still buried), or the watchmen tent (wands, if they are currently in the tent).

Watchmen Table

This table shows a suggested number of watchmen on site, per party level of 4 to 5 characters. If the party is seen at the site and returns later, use the Return Watchmen column.

Party Level Watchmen Return Watchmen*
Level 5 3 Veterans, 2 Guards 4 Veterans, 2 Guards
Level 6 3 Veterans, 2 Guards 4 Veterans, 3 Guards
Level 7 4 Veterans, 1 Guard 6 Veterans, 1 Guard
Level 8 5 Veterans 7 Veterans

*These additional watchmen are added if the party is seen at the site causing trouble and return at a later time.

Light Sources at Night

At night, the watchmen on duty keep the campfire lit. It provides bright light in a 25 foot radius. Each tent has a lantern in it, which provides bright light in a 20 foot cone in front of the tent. The remaining areas are bathed in dim light, so Perception checks are rolled at disadvantage.

Guard Schedules & Combat

  • 5am to 1pm – 1 watchmen asleep, 4 watchmen on duty, 1 Archeologist & 2 assistants active
  • 1pm to 9pm – 1 watchmen asleep, 4 watchmen on duty, 1 Archeologist & 2 assistants active
  • 9pm to 5am – 2 watchmen on duty, everyone else asleep (1 veteran and 1 guard on duty at night unless party is Level 8 then 2 veterans on duty at night)

If the party alarms any member of the Dig Site and the party leaves to return another day, the Dig Site has additonal watchmen. See Watchmen Table above.

If the party gets caught digging up the Particle Wand before they leave and return another day, the wands are in a lock box in the southeast tent.

Fleeing NPCs

If assistants are attacked or the party attacks any NPC or watchman, the assistants flee. If a PC succeeds on Intimidation check against the Archaelogist (DC 15) or assistants (DC 12), they flee. The Archaeologist will plead with the party not to disturb the excavation and will attempt to defend themselves against violence, but quickly yield when they realize they are no match.

If a Veteran is killed, the Archeologist flees. Each time a Veteran is killed, any remaining Guards each have a 20% chance of fleeing (1-5 flee, 6-20 stand their ground). Veterans never flee.

Earth Elemental Guardians

If any PC tries to leave the dig site area with an artifact, three Earth Elementals rise up from the ground to give chase. The Earth Elementals are a deadly encounter for level 5 PCs, so the party should flee. See Escaping the Dig Site for details.

About The Artifacts

Locating the Artifacts

There are 5 Cyclotronic Amulets located in a locked chest in the Archeologist’s tent (southwest tent). There are 3 Particle Wands buried within the dragon’s claw in the excavation area, unless the party was caught digging in the excavation area near the dragon’s claw, in which case the wands are in a locked chest in the southeast tent.

Potential Means of Locating:

  • Detect Magic – on success, the PC sees an aura emanating from the dragon’s claw in the excavation area, and/or the archeologist’s tent in the southwest corner of the map.
  • Perception (if observing the archeology team as they work) – on success (DC 10), the PC recognizes that the dig team has been focusing on the dragon’s skull, but the claws don’t seem to be thoroughly checked yet.
  • Investigation (excavation site) – on success (DC 12), the PC recognizes the positioning of the dragon bones are such that the dragon may have been clutching something in its claws when it died.
  • History – on success (DC 14), the PC recalls the tale of a copper dragon who bravely died while protecting a set of fabled wands and amulets, and the dragon was said to have had such great strength that even in death, the dragon’s grip could not be loosened. (DM Only: As the dragon’s flesh rotted away over hundreds of years, the grip was eventually loosened.)

Retrieving the Artifacts

  • Once the probable location of the wand is discovered (in the dragon’s clutch) it takes 10 minutes to dig up. Unbeknownst to the Collector, there are actually three wands buried here, clustered together.
  • To dig up the wands at night (assuming the active watchmen on duty have been neutralized), the digger must succeed on four stealth checks at advantage (one every 2.5 minutes). If they fail any, consult the Alerted Table.
  • To retrieve any items stored in a locked chest, see the Map section for details.
  • If any archeologist or assistant witnesses the PCs dig up or steal an artifact, they beg the party not to take it for fear it will end up in the hands of evil people.

Map: Archaeological Dig

The Archaeological Dig Site is located in a clearing, surrounded on all sides by tall deciduous trees with thick trunks. Lining the east and south edges of the site are tents, wooden crates, tables, benches, and a fire pit to the south. The tents are located in the northeast, southeast, and southwest corners of the clearing. In the center of the clearing lies the excavation area, outlined with wooden poles laid horizontally into the dirt. Three wooden ladders lead down to exposed dirt 10 feet below the grassy surface. Jutting up through the exposed dirt are large bones that appear to be from a dragon, long deceased.

Littered around the site are various rocks and boulders, shovels, and tree stumps left over from trees that were cut down for their wood to craft the tents, tables, benches, and other requirements.

For a summary of logistical observations about this area see About the Dig Site.

Light Sources at Night:

At night, the watchmen on duty keep the campfire lit. It provides bright light in a 25 foot radius. Each tent has a lantern in it, which provides bright light in a 20 foot cone in front of the tent. The remaining areas are bathed in dim light, so Perception checks are rolled at disadvantage.

NPC Locations (Day 5am – 9pm):

  • The Archaeologist and assistants are inside the excavation pit or using the tables.
  • Active watchmen are stationed near the tree stumps next to each tent and/or the west edge of the map.

NPC Locations (Night 9pm – 5am):

  • The Archaeologist and assistants are asleep inside the southwest tent.
  • The active watchmen are stationed near the tree strump closest to the Archaeologist tent (southwest tent) and near the tree stump closest to the northwest tent.

Crates and Wheelbarrow

Wooden Crates

Two crates are sealed and one has a loose lid. The sealed crates can be pried open using a crowbar with a DC 6 Strength check, or smashed open with a DC 12 Strength check. If the PC wants to do this quietly, they must also succeed on DC 10 (pried) or 16 (smashed) Dexterity (Stealth) check. On failure, consult the Alerted Table. Inside all crates are typical archaeological tools such as trowels, picks, brushes, pans, burlap sacks, tape measures, candles, torches, oil flasks, and flints. If desired, roll 1d6 for extra treasure. On roll of 6,


The wheelbarrow contains volcanic rock that appears to have been dug out of the excavation site. It has no significant value beyond it’s natural uses. The chunks of rock are fairly light weight in spite of their size, making for poor slingshot ammo. But they have a very rough, sharp exterior, making for a devastating melee attack with a grinding, sanding action.

Northeast Tent (Watchmen)

The northeast tent contains 4 cots, and a small wooden table with a lantern.

This tent houses two to four watchmen.

East Tables

Northeast Table

The northeast table contains archaeological notes, a small dragon hatchling skull, and a chunk of gold worth 50 gp. The notes describe 6 amulets that were discovered around the neck bones of the dragon in the excavation pit. The description includes physical details of the amulets, but their value or function is unknown.

Southeast Table

The southeast table contains random archaeology books and a Spell Scroll of Alarm (level 1).

Reinforced Wooden Crate

The reinforced crate hidden in the trees cannot be pryed open, but can be smashed open with a DC 17 Strength check. The crate contains a topaz gemstone worth 500gp.

If a reinforced crate is smashed open at night or in stealth, it also requires a DC 20 Stealth check. On failure, consult the Alerted Table.

Southeast Tent (Watchmen)

The southeast tent contains 4 cots, a small wooden table with a lantern, and a reinforced wooden chest.

This tent houses two to four watchmen.

Reinforced Wooden Chest

The wooden chest is locked and requires a DC 12 Dexterity check with Thieves Tools to unlock, a DC 16 Strenth check to break open, or the key in possession of a Veteran. If the chest is broken open at night, it also requires a DC 20 Stealth check if NPCs are asleep in the tent, or DC 8 Stealth check if the tent is empty but other NPCs reamin on site. On failure, consult the Alerted Table.

The chest contains 50gp, 100sp, and 500cp. If the PCs were caught digging up the Particle Wands from the excavation site and return later, the chest also contains the 3 Particle Wands (assuming the PC didn’t reach them in time and fled).

South Tables & Fire Pit

The fire pit is not used during the day but kept alight at night by the active watchmen on duty, providing 25 feet of bright light. If the fire is snuffed out by the PCs, all active watchmen on duty move towards it to investigate.

Southwest Table

The table is covered with archaelogy tools including brushes, magnifying glasses, and pickaxes. Shovels litter the ground, as well as a grappling hook attached to 50 feet of rope, and a separate 50 foot rope.

Southeast Table

The table is covered with bread, mugs, and large glass flasks of drinking water. Under the table is a crate of apples. On DC 8 Perception or Investigation check, a bag is found nearby containing a dagger, 10 gp, and a standard healing potion.

Southwest Tent (Archaeology Team)

This tent contains 3 cots, a small wooden table with a lantern, and a reinforced wooden chest. Two reinforced crates lie just outside the front of the tent.

Reinforced Wooden Chest

The wooden chest is locked and requires a DC 12 Dexterity check with Thieves Tools to unlock, a DC 16 Strenth check to break open, or the key in possession of the Archaeologist. If the chest is broken open at night, it also requires a DC 20 Stealth check if NPCs are asleep in the tent, or DC 8 Stealth check if the tent is empty but other NPCs remain on site. On failure, consult the Alerted Table. The chest contains 100 gp, a signed permit by the Townmaster of Greenwood Village allowing the excavation to take place, and 6 Cyclontronic Amulets.

A Letter From Family

A PC who closely investigates the cots finds a folded letter under the mattress of one cot. The letter is from “Kayla” and addressed to “Mom”, apparently written by the daughter of someone on the archaeology team. The letter indicates that Kayla is newly pregnant. (DM Only: Kayla is the Archaelogist’s daughter. PCs may be able to use this info to Persuade the Archaeologist to give up any found artifacts.)

Reinforced Wooden Crates (outside tent)

The reinforced crates in front of the tent cannot be pryed open, but can be smashed open with a DC 17 Strength check. If smashed open, it also requires a DC 20 Stealth check if any NPCs remain on site. On failure, consult the Alerted Table. The crate contains a topaz gemstone worth 500gp.

Excavation Area

In the center of the clearing lies the excavation area, outlined with wooden poles laid horizontally into the dirt. Three wooden ladders lead down to exposed dirt 10 feet below the grassy surface. Jutting up through the exposed dirt are large bones that appear to be from a dragon, long deceased.

For full details of potential ways the PCs can locate the artifacts, see Locating the Artifacts

Artifact: Cyclontronic Amulet

The archaelogy team has previously discovered 6 amulets at various places around the excavation site. Those amulets are now stored in a locked chest inside the southwest tent. A PC may learn this fact by examining the notes on one of the east tables, or using the Detect Magic spell.

Artifact: Particle Wand

There are 3 Particle Wands buried several feet below the current surface of the excavation pit, in the center of the dragon’s claw. On successful DC 12 Investigation check, the PC recognizes the positioning of the dragon bones are such that the dragon may have been clutching something in its claws when it died.

It takes 10 minutes to dig up the wands.

To dig up the wands at night (assuming the active watchmen on duty have been neutralized), the digger must succeed on four stealth checks at advantage (one every 2.5 minutes). If they fail any, consult the Alerted Table.

Trip Wires and Dart Traps

At night, all four edges of the excavation have trip wires that trigger one of four poison dart traps buried in the dirt facing each edge. A passive Perception score of 15 is required to automatically notice the trap, or a DC 15 Investigation check is required to find the trip wires. The traps can be disarmed with DC 10 Dexterity check and Thieves Tools, or DC 15 without Thieves Tools. For each trip wire that is triggered, a random target within 10 feet of the wire takes 2 (1d4) piercing damage and must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 11 (2d10) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on successful save. These traps are not armed during the day.


The notes left in the dirt appear to be a daily log of bones discovered inside the excavation area. Based on the notes, the archaeology team believes this was an adult copper dragon that died hundreds of years ago while in battle. Cause of death is unknown, but the bones show many signs of being struck by blades.

Escaping the Dig Site

Triggering the Earth Elementals

If any PC tries to leave the dig site area with an artifact, three Earth Elementals rise up from the ground to give chase, triggered by a spell that had been cast over the entire dig site to detect any materials from the dig site that leave the area. The Earth Elementals are a deadly encounter for level 5 PCs, so the party should flee. The DM can begin a chase encounter if desired.

Chase Over the Mountain Pass

As the party leaves the area, a chase ensues. All remaining Veterans, Guards and optional Earth Elementals participate. Ideally, the PCs should devise a way to get a head start as they flee the area. Use the Mountain Pass map to stage a chase, or use theater of the mind.

If any watchmen (Veterans or Guards) are asleep, it takes 3 rounds for them to wake up and join the chase, assuming something has awoken them such as the sound of fighting, the screams of the archaeologists/assistants, or the rumble of the Earth Elementals awakening.

The party begins at the bottom left corner of the map. The PCs must run to the top edge of the map to escape, or succeed in some other move such as invisibility, successfully hiding behind a tree or other terrain, etc.

Ideally the PCs have devised a way to get a head start as they flee. Position the PCs & NPCs on the map accordingly.

If a PC is caught, the guards and veterans will allow the PC to walk away if they turn over the stolen artifacts they posses. If the caught PC doesn’t have the artifacts, the NPC will try to detain them. Otherwise, they fight to the death (keeping in mind Guards may flee if Veterans are killed.) Earth Elementals will chase and attack any PC that is carrying one or more Particle Wands or Cyclotronic Amulets.

The encounter continues until all PCs have reached the top edge of the map or have otherwise evaded or defeated the pursuers.

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