Particle Wand

  • Rarity: Artifact
  • Value: Unknown
  • Weight: 0.5lbs
  • Charges: N/A

This metallic wand is used to project a radiant particle stream capable of grappling incorporeal creatures within 40 feet of the wielder. The center of the particle stream glows a smooth bright orange, with blue crackling veins of electricity surrounding the center stream.

The wand only works when the wielder is wearing a Cyclotronic Amulet with active charges. The wand itself has no charges, and is merely a conduit for the energy stored in the amulet.

Attack: Ranged Incorporeal Grapple

To attack/grapple a creature, make a ranged attack roll, adding your DEX modifier and proficiency bonus. On hit, the particle stream does 1d8 radiant damage. Like all ranged attacks, the attack roll is at disadvantage if the target creature is in melee range (5 feet), or at advantage if the target creature is restrained. (Particle streams do not restrain creatures - they grapple creatures.) If cast against an undead incorporeal creature, the particle stream automatically grapples the creature on successful hit, ignoring the creature's immunity to being grappled, and inflicts a -1 penalty to DEX ability checks and DEX saving throws. This -1 penalty stacks with each particle stream grappling the creature, up to a max of -3.

Particle Stream Burn

Any creature other than the wielder or target that moves within 5 feet of a particle stream must succeed on a DEX 14 saving throw or suffer 1d4 radiant damage. Any creature other than the wielder or target who starts their turn within 5 feet of a radiant particle stream must also make this roll.

Knocked Prone While Grappling

If the wielder is knocked prone while grappling a creature with the particle stream, the wielder must succeed on a DC 17 DEX check to prevent the stream from breaking as they fall.

Grappled Creatures

While a creature is grappled...

... the particle stream persists until the creature breaks free or the wand wielder chooses to break the stream. The wand wielder can choose to break the stream at any time, even when not their turn, without using an action.

... the particle stream automatically does an additional 1d6 radiant damage to the grappled creature at the start of the wielder's subsequent turns.

...the wielder can use an action to move the grappled creature up to half their own movement speed. If the creature is grappled by any other particle streams, the wielder of those streams must ensure they move as needed on their next turn to keep the creature within range. The stream adjusts its length to a max of 40 feet unless the wielder has chosen to move the creature. If a wielder and target become more than 40 feet apart from each other, the stream is broken.

... the grappled creature can use an action to break free from all streams that have grappled it. Upon successful DC 15 DEX check, the creature breaks free from all streams. incorporeal creature grappled by a particle stream can use an action to pull the stream and the wielder up to half their movement speed by succeeding on a STR (Athletics) check contested by a STR (Athletics) or DEX (Acrobatics) check of the creature grappling him. The target chooses which check to make.

Higher Levels

At 3rd, 8th, and 15th level, the initial radiant damage increases by 1d8 and recurring damage increases by 1d6.

Radiant Energy Stream
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